The Robot Characters for the Four-Part Series

Sparky: A blue robot who is created by Mad Doctor and sent on several important missions to help protect Mars. He’s the star of our story. Sparky is indebted to Mad Doctor for having created him, and he accepts a duty to help Mad Doctor defeat the Supervisor of Mars.
Blasto: A one-wheeled robotic dog created by Mad Doctor. He is one of Sparky’s pals. Blasto is a cheery fellow, always there to help Sparky out of a jam.

Melody: A robotic bird created by Mad Doctor. She is also Sparky’s companion and has a bit of a sarcastic personality, fearing the worst in any situation.
Mad Doctor: A wacky robot who creates other robots and works under the Governor of Mars’ protection. He was given orders by the Governor to find the Martian Jewel of Power but was too much of a coward to do it, so he created Sparky for the task. However guilty he feels, nothing will stop him from making sure Sparky finds the jewel before the Supervisor does. Mad Doctor also runs the Robot Factory, where new robots are created to do various menial tasks for the Governor and the Supervisor of Mars.

X80: One of Mad Doctor’s assistants. Five hundred years ago, X80 fought in the Robot Wars between Earth and Mars, manning a spaceship that brought vital supplies to the robots of Mars. After his ship was struck by an Earth patrol ship’s energy beam, he crashed on Mars and was left for dead. Centuries later, he was found by Mad Doctor and repaired. Since then, his no-nonsense, military-type personality has made him indispensable to Mad Doctor.
Speakerbot: Another of Mad Doctor’s assistants. He has a squeaky, tiny voice, but when necessary he can really belt out Mad Doctor’s orders to the other robots, including the Generatorbots that supply energy to Mad Doctor’s laboratory.

The Labbots: A group of small robots created by Mad Doctor who populate his lab. They were various experiments Mad Doctor did while he perfected his robotic designs, which ultimately led to the creation of Sparky. They help Mad Doctor with his many small-scale experiments.
The Governor of Mars: The robot who rules the planet. He’s goofy and ineffectual, but the Supervisor of Mars still fears him and the power he has because of his many spies and assassins throughout the kingdom, who help keep the Governor’s grip on power. He seems out of touch and a bit off at times, but this does not prevent him from being an effective administrator.

The Supervisor of Mars: An evil robot who supervises Robot City under the direction of the Governor of Mars, and who is seeking the elusive Martian Jewel of Power in order to take over the Governor’s position as ruler of all Mars.
Marty the Martian and the Jewel of Power: Marty has been entombed in the Well of Doom for over a billion years, ever since the destruction of Mars. He was protected from Mars’ destruction by the Jewel of Power in his hands, which holds tremendous energy, but Marty will only be freed from his crystal cylinder tomb when a rescuer comes to free him.

Lurker: A three-legged robot who is the Supervisor of Mars’ enforcer. He was a failed experiment of Mad Doctor’s and was sent to the recycling station to be ripped apart for new robot material, but the Supervisor heard of Mad Doctor’s plan and took an interest in Lurker, had him brought to his castle, and gave him a position of limited power as his enforcer. Now Lurker feels totally indebted to the Supervisor and wants total revenge on Mad Doctor. Lurker will do whatever is necessary to help the Supervisor take over all of the robots of Mars and rule Mars forever.
Gor: An oafish robotic dog with limited mental capacity who is Lurker’s sidekick and was another of Mad Doctor’s failed experiments. Gor also feels devoted to the Supervisor for having saved him from the recycler and therefore wants to help him in his battle to rule over Mars.

Guardbots: Robots who guard the Supervisor of Mars and enforce his rule in Robot City. These robots were created by Mad Doctor for the Governor, but the Governor preferred the Goldenbots and sent the Guardbots to the Supervisor of Mars when the Supervisor discovered they were being made available.

Warbots: The Supervisor of Mars reprogrammed the machines in the Robot Factory to produce this robot army on the sly during downtime. Now they serve him.
Hammerbots: Stupid hammer-wielding robots who help the Supervisor of Mars rule Robot City. They were similarly produced by the Supervisor at the Robot Factory.

Gladiatorbots: Large hammer-carrying robots who serve the Supervisor of Mars, also produced by the Supervisor at the Robot Factory during downtime.